Zad Holding Co. : Holds it’s AGM and EGM on 18/04/2022 for 2021

Zad Holding Co. announces that the General Assembly Meeting AGM and EGM will be held on 18/04/2022, Zad HQ and 09:30 PM. In case of not completing the legal quorum, the second meeting will be held on 25/04/2022, Zad HQ and 09:30 PM


Annual General Meeting Agenda:

1.     Hearing the Board of Directors report on the company performance for the financial year ended 31st December 2021 and the company outlook.

2.     Hearing the External Auditor’s report on the financials of the company for the year ended 31st December 2021.

3.     Discuss and approve the financial report of the company for the year ended 31st December 2021.

4.     Approve the recommendation of the Board of Directors to distribute dividends of 65% cash and 5% bonus shares for the financial year 2021.

5.     Absolve the Members of Board of Directors from all responsibilities for the financial year ended 31st December 2021, and approve their remunerations.

6.     Approve the Corporate Governance Report of the year 2021.

7.     Appoint an External Auditor for the financial year 2022 and approve their fees.

Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting:

1.     Approve the amendment of the company Articles of Association (AOA) by increasing the share capital by 5% in light of the bonus shares distribution resolved by the AGM.

2.     Approve the amendment of the company AOA in compliance with Law number 8 for 2021 and the Corporate Governance Code of QFMA.

3.     Delegation of the Board of Directors to carry out all necessary amendment in the AOA according to the resolutions of the EGM.