Dlala Holding Company Postpones the date of the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meeting
Dlala Brokerage and Investment Holding Company will postpone the date of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly so that it will be on Wednesday, corresponding to 20/04/2022, by default via the Internet via the (Zoom) platform at exactly nine thirty in the evening, Doha time. On 27/4/ 2022, via the Zoom platform, on the same date.
We would also like to inform you that item No. (3) of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly has been amended, related to the proposal to reduce the company’s capital by 33%, or 93,772,800, so that the proposed capital after the reduction is 190,387,200, instead of 32,5%, or 92,352,000 So that the company’s proposed capital is 191,808,000 and the amendment of Article (6) of the company’s articles of association accordingly.
attached is a copy of the modified invitation